Saturday, 16 May 2009

McDonalds - No fry left behind (DDB Chicago)

I think working on the McDonalds account must be quite a challenge. I would imagine that every brief that comes in will have a pretty hard retail message at its heart... i.e. Big Mac sales are down, what can we do about it? or... how can we get people eating more junk food, even though everyone's new years resolution has been to give it up? (evil!) The client will always be pushing for the product shot... the product shot... that's what'll get people going. They agency will constantly be saying... but people know what a chip looks like... that'll be boring!!! This ad manages to keep the product at the heart, but in a really imaginative way.

You could liken it to the 'inside the Coke machine' / Happiness factory ad done a few months back i.e. cool hidden worlds where strange creatures obsess about the product, but this still feels pretty fresh in a slightly stale category to me.

McDonalds - No fry left behind

CocaCola - The Happiness Factory

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